Review: Udi’s Bagels

So I decided to test out the Udi’s Bagels I bought the other day during my bargain hunt in Waitrose! Since I had frozen them I defrosted them slightly in the microwave first so I could it in half and then pop it in the toaster. The smell was amazing- I was looking forward to having some food that actually smelled as good as gluten food! However, unfortunately the smell did not match the taste. I was quite disappointed as this was one of the foods I was most excited to try a gluten-free version of! On the outside it was soft and warm, like gluten bagels, however the inside was extremely dry. If I had kept it in the toaster any longer it would have just burned the outside and not made the inside any softer. Throughout eating the bagel (I can’t waste it!) I had to keep drinking lots of water as it was so dry (at least I got my water intake up for the day!) but I wouldn’t add it to the list of gluten-free foods I enjoyed which is a shame! 

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